
Showing posts from 2007

Inside the Cave

How can I escape from the cave? 長洲.張保仔洞

Sleepless in Victoria City

鋼の會計士: 在中環和維港是多麼的消遙! 親愛的朋友呀, 妳在想什麼? Victoria Harbour @ 3am (HKT), Hong Kong

Hooked On You

因為家妹的功課選擇陳奕迅、楊千嬅主演的「每當變幻時」為題,所以我也順道一同觀看這齣劇名聽來驟似無聊愛情劇的電影。一看之下,竟然產生意想不到的共鳴。有感而發,遂作此評。 「每」的劇情其實十分簡單:當魚販的陳奕迅在其經營的街市「富貴墟」遇上為父還債而賣魚,年近三十的楊千嬅,十年來經歷回歸後香港的風風雨雨。他倆從冤家到相愛,後來又分開,最後重遇卻仍不能成為情侶。隨著「富貴墟」的清拆,曲終人散,各自生活, 留下的只有絲絲的惋惜。 與其它回歸慶劇一樣,「每」都有加插不少回歸十年的集體回憶。例如:連鎖超市入侵街市、連鎖餅店倒閉、傳銷騙案、SARS肆虐、七一大遊行等。就算最後清拆「富貴墟」的一幕,也有清拆天星碼頭事件的影子。就重播集體回憶這方面來說,「每」不是拍出特別出色。幸好也沒有濫播,反而更能夠帶出本身的主題。 表面來看,「每」是陳奕迅與眾街坊在「富貴墟」的故事。我卻認為,楊千嬅的十年人生歷程才是「每」的主題。雖然楊因為家境而被迫屈就街市,一個於賒來的時間借來的地方,日以繼夜工作,但是她沒有因為自己身處的劣境而放棄對生活及愛情的要求。正如她選擇錢包一樣,她不會退而求其次去選擇現有卻不是自己的理想目標。她對理想的執著最終得到回報,成為蜚聲國際的化粧師。 可惜,楊的執著卻成為她愛情的絆腳石。她在街市的時候已被餅佬、豬肉佬和陳奕迅追求;當她事業有成的時候更是不乏條件優秀的選擇。然而,經歷多年的尋尋覓覓,她發現原來什麼條件、什麼標準都不是最重要;原來一個喜歡自己而又自己喜歡的已是「一個值得嫁的人」。 不過如果主題是這一點,「每」只不過是一齣老掉牙的愛情劇而已。重點是楊本身是一個典型七十年代(香港經濟飛躍的開端)出生的香港女子,當她踏入她人生的黃金時期,香港卻由黃金時期急轉直下跌落一蹶不振的深淵。身處大時代的巨變,作為小市民的楊在事業與愛情都顯得進退失據。這種反應不是因為她個人的性格缺陷,而是因為面對巨變的她不懂得如何調整心態。可是,調整心態倒不是容易的事情。她曾經嘗試改變,嘗試改革街市,嘗試投靠豬肉佬,嘗試傳銷。然而,每人心中總有一條底線,不會想變就變,如果可以變便已經不再是她自己了。最後,楊得到妥叔的幫助,離開街市,開創自己的事業。 然而感情不像事業,錯過了未必可以回頭。回歸十年,楊事業有成,機緣際遇讓她再遇上陳。多年不見,陳對楊依然關懷備至,楊也一直使用陳送給她的普通錢包。然而情

Work Hard for Living

In order to welcome my friends who will visit later, I started my maiden work. After that, I have realized that I should invite them to have a hotpot instead. :P This scene outside my bedroom wakes me up around 7am. >.<

Glorious Moment

燦爛的一刻 屯門.黃金海岸遊艇會 早晨新一天 金鐘.金鐘廊Délifrance

Alibaba Rally

Alibaba stock rocketed to the cloud by horse yesterday. The stock price closed at HK$39.5 per share, $26 more from its offer price $13.5. In the other words, the stockholders almost tripled their capital on the first trading day. According to a source, the founder and chairman Jack Man Yun was a teacher before he becomes the dotcom giant. After he visited the US, he learnt the Internet and then founded Yellow Pages of China. After his Yellow Pages contained a plenty of companies, he thought why not match them to do business. This thought thus created 8 years ago. In 2003, my company made a proposal of establishing a B2B platform to a giant bank. The bank would like to utilize the Internet to build a platform for processing LC amongst its customers, which include suppliers, buyers and trading companies. The platform would also allow the companies doing business online so that it becomes a bank-supported B2B marketplace. Unfortunately, the person in charge was assigned to ano

Lunch in Jollibee

I had lunch alone yesterday, so I walked to Central to explore any special restaurant. In the lane beside World Wide House, there were some Filipino restaurants. One was a McDonald's-like fast-food shop called Jollibee . The appearance looked a rough clone of McDonald's, the menu of foods was similar too. They were still different yet. Jollibee was better, I mean. Most of cashiers were Filipino, who could speak in English and Cantonese. Similar to staff of McDonald's, they did upselling too. However, they were more friendly and polite. The pace was not slow but I did not feel pushed at the counter. I felt comfortable to buy foods there. I ordered a lunch set with ALOHA, which was a Hawaii-style hamburger. As well as burger meat and some vegetables, it consisted of bacon and pineapple piece, which are my favorite. The fried potato sticks were hot and crisp, not too heavy in taste. Plus HK$2.5, Mr. Juice accompanied me. Although Centralmen may not appreciate such raw place,

Ocean Park Halloween Bash 2007

Ocean Park 's Success = ( Ghost + Human) x Localization x Globalization

Mid Autumn Festival


Bauhinia in the Middle Levels

中環.香港動植物公園 Stone Step Street -> Dumpling Yuen -> Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum -> The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens -> Hong Kong Park

The Standard

Today is the first day of distributing free copies of The Standard, one of English newspaper in Hong Kong. This move is believed to increase the standard of free newspapers. For The Standard, becoming free newspaper is a critical business decision. Although The Standard as an English post publisher has enjoyed higher profile in Hong Kong, compared with South China Morning Post, it was in a weaker position. There are only about 3% non-Chinese residents in Hong Kong, hence the market is slightly enough to have two charged English newspapers. In addition to losing policy favors such as the compulsory announcement of listed companies, The Standard struggled in shifting sands. A change is a chance. The difficulty has forced the post to perform revolution. The content of the newspaper has been published on its website since early years. Browsing the content on web is free of charge. RSS feed is also provided. Yet this small and crowded island is not a place favorite to Internet business. T

Roast Goose


Venice of Hong Kong



有些朋友曾誇讚小弟的皮膚嫩滑,保養得宜。這些讚美真是過譽,對於男性來說,樣貌年青便顯得不夠成熟穩重,不是一件什麼值得高興的事。然而,小弟也想值此分享一些護膚心得。 市面上護膚方法大致可分兩種:外方與內方。 外方指從皮膚外部去護理皮膚。一般來說,護理人士會從暗瘡、乾紋、膚色、皮膚彈性、黑頭粉刺、雀斑黑斑等外部異徵來著手處理,例如面膜,護膚。 然而,俗語有云:木必自腐,而後蟲生。外部異徵的形成很少因為外間的因素(除了皮外傷),主要是因為身體內部健康的問題引致,體內有異,表於體外。況且,人類身體本身有一個緊密的生理機制,譬如油脂,毛孔,膚質等一環扣一環,因此外部處理不但是治標不治本,而且還有機會破壞體內層層緊扣的生理機制。 內方則可分為飲食、生理與心理這三大類別。 飲食必須均衡,不可偏食,更不可以暴飲暴食。假如身體不好,便會虛不受補。其中有幾種小弟愛好的食物對於養顏頗有幫助: 魚類 是高蛋白類食物。蛋白質是人體的必須營養之一,經常食用,可促進皮下肌肉豐滿而富有彈性。 荔枝 含維生素A、B1、C,還含有果膠、遊離氨基酸、蛋白質以及鐵、磷、鈣等多種元素。現代醫學研究證明,荔枝有補腎、改善肝功能、加速毒素排除、促進細胞生成、使皮膚細嫩等作用,是排毒養顏的理想水果。 木耳 中所含的一種植物膠質,有較強的吸附力,可將殘留在人體消化系統的灰塵雜質集中吸附,再排出體外,從而起到排毒清胃的作用。 蜂蜜 中的主要成分葡萄糖和果糖,很容易被人體吸收利用。常吃蜂蜜能達到排出毒素、美容養顏的效果,對防治心血管疾病和神經衰弱等症也很有好處。 胡蘿蔔 是有效的解毒食物,它不僅含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素,而且含有大量的維生素A和果膠,與體內的汞離子結合之後,能有效降低血液中汞離子的濃度,加速體內汞離子的排出。 海帶 表面上有一層略帶甜味兒的白色粉末,是極具醫療價值的甘露醇,具有良好的利尿作用,可以治療藥物中毒、浮腫等症,所以,海帶是理想的排毒養顏食物。 牛奶 中的鐵、銅和維生素A有美容作用,能改善皮膚細胞活性,有延緩皮膚衰老、增強皮膚張力、消除小皺紋等功效。牛奶還有美白的作用,歷來是女性美容佳品。 肉皮 富含膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白,能使細胞變得豐滿,減少皺紋、增強皮膚彈性。 除了飲食,生理健康還有賴常做運動.每天做運動,改善血氣運行,新陳代謝。氣通人和,不但可以擁有紅蘋果般的臉龐,還可以長出蛋膜般嫩滑的表皮。 心

Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen showed its finale of the first season last Saturday. I cooked a dinner at that moment. There was frequently bee bee sound (foul languages were banned in HK TV channel) in the TV, so was there in my kitchen. Cooking a good dish is not easy. Cooking a good meal is difficult very much. It involves the management of inventory, labor, time, quality. You should be clear about the big picture but should not miss the detail between small pieces. As a Chinese saying goes, governing a large country is like cooking a small fish (Chinese: 治大國若烹小鮮).


Most activities of the organization have few attendees, except Talk for Thought about investment topics. The one held last Saturday is no exception. The speaker raised an interesting question: How can you completely lose a million dollars within three months? If you have not understood the method of losing, you have not understood the method of winning either. Not only ask which stocks should be bought, but also ask which stocks should NOT be bought. In addition, the capital will be doubled after 18 years if each return rate is just 4% while it will be doubled just after 4 years if each return rate is up to 18%. You can easily take profit four times but difficultly do so eighteen times. Therefore you should take big profit from a few but good stocks rather than escape after small profit taken. In conclusion, "Buy a right thing at a right time." The right thing is a good company. The right time is when it is cheap. When we gathered to discuss how to double profits in a restau

Yun Mei Japan

偶然一餐請同事食飯,即管豪一豪佢,去左間時時經過但都無入過既日本餐廳。 與其話係餐廳,不如話係酒吧。我地一入去,大廚(睇牆上既相認出,雖然真人好似老左o的)係門口接待。吧枱位於正中間,負責供應酒水同埋壽司刺身。 我叫左個招牌刺身lunch set,除了主菜雜錦刺身,仲有一碗魚容魚子飯。魚子有味多汁,魚容入口即溶。大蝦小蝦鮮甜美味,魚生肉質新鮮,海膽腥而不苦(依個真係出面食唔到),螺肉爽口彈牙。仲有,佢既wasabi口感新鮮,質感軟滑,好容易點到刺身上,可能係大廚自家製。個塊紫蘇葉係真架,唔係綠膠片,碟上每一樣野(理論上)都係食得。 係香港,日本餐廳好多,好食既就好少。只有上次友人請我食既IFC禮鮨(好食,但係好貴)及得上依一間。 餐廳:圓 地址:香港金鐘夏愨道16號遠東金融中心地下C2舖

Birds in a Cage

鳥兒 自由地 在籠子裡 The Edward Youde Aviary of Hong Kong Park

Eighteen Years

18 years ago, she sat behind me. We watched the TV. Some sat on the ground in the TV. Next day they all ceased. Today, she is married. She is happy. Some sat on the grassground in the TV. Next day it becomes another memory .


A foreigner asked us whether we usually use centimeter or inch as measurement unit. We replied him that we use inch most because we are used to adapting to the British system under the British colony. He also wondered why our universities offer only three year bachelor program instead of four year program. We found some foreigners can speak in Putonghua fluently while most Hong Kong people of our generation cannot. Those who are older than or younger than us can do so too. We seem isolated from the world trend. We are labelled as the product of the British rule. Yet we are not British. ***** Famous quotes of British literature are quite popular in Hong Kong, although many Hong Kong people have not read the sources. This is because not only are Hong Kong people busy, but also have difficulty to read the great pieces of last centuries. A dictionary can help much for meaning, but less for then pronunciation and intonation. What do you think about asking Charles to read A Tale Of Two Citie

Views about University Education

The senior secondary and higher education of Hong Kong will be restructured, or so-called 334 will be implemented in 2012. Because of the impact to the university, the staff invited alumni to have a dinner and discuss the issue last night. I was one of the guests. 1. Alumni Background The dinner of the last night was for alumni graduated from the School of Engineering between 2002 and 1999. Although so, the career of each alumni varies a lot. It includes technical workers, consultant, sales manager, insurance agent, etc. Some had outstanding history, such as exchange program, aggressive participation in society comittee and entrepreneur project, in their UG period. 2. Get Hired Communication Skill, Creativitiy, Initiativeness, Presentation Skill, Wide Exposure are agreed to be crucial competencies of fresh graduates to be hired. 3. Advantageous UG Activity Some have experienced foreign study style and party manner in an exchange program. Some have learnt problem solving skill in a soci

Love in Eighty Years More

黑幕低沉 牽起美女的歌聲 悅耳迷魂 帶來感動的光良 克林好人 學友爭霸地咆吼 起勁渾身 側田也脫下帽子 公子風韻 清算不了維納絲 數字人生 活著實在好 火熱動感 愛多八十年 能? PS: Good Luck to your exam, Venus; Happy Birthday, May.

Sunset in Lung Kwu Tan


Blue Card

A committee member told me that the above card would be shown in fashion shops, restaurants, real estate agents and transportation without any discount. "For what can the card be used?" "That is it." I turned into deep blue after I heard the reality.

Golden Age

I attended 30th Anniversary Concert of Albert Au (區瑞強) last evening. He is not hit but his folksongs are long lasting. They are relaxing and make audiences think of the past. They have attracted many Hong Kong people who lived in the Golden Days of Hong Kong (80s - 90s). ... 朋友 不要淚垂 人生本多失意 競爭 開始了 追不到也是要追 ... Albert Au said he knew many artists, who got to the peak of career but have become legends, within thirty years. He is right. So does Hong Kong. After Cold War, the world goes peaceful. The united Germany and the capitalized China have become stronger and stronger. Nations which lands are small with small population would have less competitiveness. Hong Kong will join the fast track if it is fully embeded into the growth of the Greater China Region, otherwise just becomes the memory of the last century. From the full booking of his concert, it seems that many people would still prefer memory rather go ahead. So does the prospect of Hong Kong.

Japancat's Blog

昨晚順手粘來舍妹新買回來的一本圖文並茂的畫冊,一看便愛不釋手,花了一整晚把它讀完。這本便是「大和貓的台灣留學日記」。 這本圖書既不是資訊性的留學指南,也不是流水帳般的個人見聞,而是就留學以來的個人感受的記錄小品。這篇作品可謂觀於微,習於常,思於沉,感於深.田中文子小姐把生活上的平凡不顯眼的瑣碎事情,從有趣的角度,以可愛的圖畫,令讀者會意於神,微笑於心。內容講述什麼?不如閣下到書局買一本回家吧,或者可以到該書的 網誌 看一看。 這是蘋果日報於第十五屆台北國際書展訪問作者的新聞照。這一位可愛的女生開宗明義寫下:「 想要改變人生... 」 您也有改變自己人生的夢想和勇氣嗎?

Tamar Development Exhibition

I visited Tamar Development Exhibition of Design Proposals in the government office this Friday. To collect the public opinion, the HKSAR government organizes that exhibition of tenderers instead of a design competition. I think it would be a good control but a bad approach because of the limit of public participation. After browsing (studying four proposals within half an hour is difficult) four designs, I guessed that they mainly follow a set of guidelines, which may be Politics Openness Environmental Friendliness Public Participation International Image On the other hand, they do not seem good product designs because they likely ignore the top priority of people. If a product design is not people-oriented, it will be thrown into a bin. Considering the predefined guidelines, I suggest that the tenderers should be concerned with the following parties rather than just provide conceptual appearances: Government Officers Legislative Councillors Citizens Foreigners Each design contains so

Real View Will

I am a HIP (hidden, inactive and passive) member. I had looked for any suitable activity, so I attended the gathering last Saturday. There were three guests to talk about investment in personnal opinions instead of standard words. This is the irreplaceable value of a private gathering. The first guest was a broker. He began with introduction of investment theories. In his opinion, investing in stock is like multi-level marketing. When a stock releases, an investor buys and introduces it to another. The second investors buys it and the stock price increases. And so on, until no following investor buys it to support the stock price and the price drops. This figure simply explained the relationship between the cash flow of the market and the stock price. The second guest was a reporter. Being a reporter, he has experienced many issues under table. He identified unstated relationships amongst various parties such as the authories, the academics, mass media, institutional investors and smal

Kitty Hunter

上星期在西洋菜南街行人專用區遇到 好戲量 的街頭宣傳。我接過他們的宣傳單張,介紹重演的 「吉蒂與死人頭」 。這齣講述一對男女曖昧地徘徊友誼與愛情之間的話劇,不禁觸動我懷緬過去的神經,於是今天我便入場欣賞。 因為這一齣算是實驗劇,所以應該理解其佈景,音樂,燈光等硬件不會很細緻。我只會從對白,情節和思想三個大方向分析該劇。 潘惠森先生曾說這齣話劇之所以吸引他是它的語言運用。這一點我是贊同的,因為楊秉基先生確實成功地把時下年青人的語言融入話劇對白和表達的思想,令年青的觀眾更不期然地代入劇中情境,自然地產生共鳴。 情節符合三一律也是該劇成功的一個因素。時間只是一晚之內,地點只發生在甜品店,演出只有吉蒂與死人頭之間的一條主線,這使觀眾更容易理解劇情,留心人物的心理變化。然而,該劇未能夠把握三一律所給予的時間空間的制約,未有把更細緻的描述,更深層次的感觸放入劇情之內,反而浪費於描述兩人友好的玩樂之中,但是其玩樂只局限他倆之間的獨特回憶,觀眾未必能夠領略他倆的快樂之處。另一方面,主角的心理變化是該劇的最重要的環節。可惜他倆的心理變化看來不像一天之內能夠發生的事情,被放在三一律的框架下便有點突兀。 思想是該劇的另一個致命傷。從開頭到結尾,主角都高喊著「溝通」二字,似乎溝通是劇中衝突所在。我看不見簡單的高喊有什麼說服力,未有進一步的探討和帶出不同角度的觀點,使其二字變得無力和流於空泛。再著,作為過來人,我有理由指出溝通不是其衝突的主要原因,相信其它觀眾也不會同意這個作為該劇的重點。另一方面,該劇的開放式結局給予觀眾的思考空間實在太小,似乎未能夠把衝突成因,心理變化和結局發展三者串連緊扣,未能夠形成一個清晰的中心主題。 我覺得吉蒂與死人頭的結局應該如何?

C'est la vie

This is the sentence, which my sister taught me.

What Can You See?


Relax in Alexandra House

以前都在妳底下擦身而過,今天終於可以堂堂正正地抓緊著妳。陰沉的光線,幽怨的旋律,依靠軟軟綿綿的沙發,我欣賞妳。妳端在我的面前,多麼的教人心動。然而,妳卻拒人千里。 坐在對面的是一位上年紀的西人,埋頭苦幹地在筆記本上寫劃,好像進行一些創作性的事情。間中他會翻開前幾頁,推推眼鏡,細閱深思,然後再揭回正在寫劃的那一頁。似乎他很享受這兒的環境,也許,這兒的環境令繁重的工作也變成了樂趣。 看著他,伴著妳,我的視線漸漸轉移至手上報紙中的兩隻大熊貓,更重要是旁邊關於內地遏止股市炒風的措施詳情。當我閉目思考措施的影響的時候,妳卻偷偷地吻了我,熱哄哄地在我的嘴唇留下教人再三回味的痕跡。不禁回味再三,在人家面前恐怕有點兒失禮吧。這時候,姑且放開妳,讓我翻到後頁把社評看完。精闢的社評總是歷久恆新,對妳的感覺亦如是。 不知不覺到了三時正,這兒的人不用上班嗎?我卻要返回工作間。還有沒有機會再見妳?原來妳就住在我的身體,守護我的回憶。 縱使劣評如潮,我還是喜歡妳--星巴克的泡沫咖啡。

Living Stone

A call shocked me last week. The call was from my friend, who has not been contacted for four years. We had a nice dinner last night. He gave up his job of Hong Kong and flied to London alone. He seeked jobs there and got hired by a small software house. What if I had done so when I was in Manhattan two years ago?

Year of Pig

What do you think about the picture? What do you think about this year? Happy Lunar New Year.

Lamma Island


Not Too Late

I have read the book " Why We Want You to be Rich: Two Men - One Message " for around two months in a bookstore (Yes, I'm a worm :P) and finished it yesterday. The content is less interesting than I expected. You can simply ignore it if you have read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series. Nothing but Norah Jones can inspire me this February. Her voice, her rhythm, her lyrics, all of her through the air have made me touched. Be my Valentine, not too late .

Mahjong Again

I like probability calculation, but I hate gambling. I feel uncomfortable to risk my money into uncertainty. However I played Mahjong in my friend's wedding banquet last night. Total Score ~ Player East: 96 Player South: -192 Player West: 112 Player North: -16 In addition to the last conclusion , some new conclusions are drawn after the game: 1. The final scoring will adjust the multiple difference between the probability of Pong and that of Chi. 2. Given a tile of Dots, Bams or Craks, the probability of getting one suite is around (16/80)(8/76) (33/72)(16/68)(8/64) (30/60)(16/56)(8/52) (27/48)(16/44)(8/40) = 0.0000255163% 3. Given four different tiles, the proability of getting all triplets is around (3/80)(2/76) (3/72)(2/68) (3/64)(2/60) (3/56)(2/52) * 4C1 = 0.0000000016% 4. By Game Theory, your previous opponent will reserve your targeted pattern tiles to reduce your winning probabilty. This point easily attacks point 2. 5. By point 4, Mahjong is a game to encourage being a non


Remembering that adventure is my destiny , I express my feeling to the Ocean. 曲名:オーシャン 作詞:稲葉浩志 作曲:松本孝弘 アーティスト:B'z 歌詞: ふりそそぐ陽を浴びて 汚れなく君は笑い furisosogu hiwo abite kegarenaku kimi wa warai 何もかも知りたくて 僕はただ走り出す nanimokamo shiritakute boku wa tada hashiri dasu ゆっくり沖を進んでゆく 白く光る船のように yukkuri oki wo susundeyuku shiroku hikaru fune no you ni どんな風ものみこんで ひとつずつ波を 越えたいよ donna kaze mo nomikonde hitotsu zutsu nami wo koetai yo Baby * 果てない想いを 君に捧げよう * hate nai omoi wo kimi ni sasageyou 握りしめた この手は はなさない 嵐の中でも nigirishimeta kono te wa hanasanai arashi no naka demo 新しい旅へと ともに出てゆこう atarashii tabi e to tomo ni deteyukou 胸ふるわす 僕らが見てるのは mune furuwasu bokura ga miteru no wa どこまでも広がる dokomademo hirogaru OCEAN 形の違う心 何度でもぶつけあって katachi no chigau kokoro nando demo butsukeatte 人はみな それぞれに 生きてゆく術を知る hito wa mina sorezore ni ikite yuku sube wo shiru ひとり かくしてきた涙を hitori kakushite kita namida wo 今こそ見せてくれないかい ima koso misete kurenai kai 怖がらないで迷わないで kowagaranaide mayowanaide 僕はその心に さわりたいよ boku wa sono kok

BBE 9x9

As per Venus' request , let me confess my own Top 81 Bad Boy Evils: 港男八十一大惡行 : 1. 嫌尖腥悶嫌三嫌四 Yes, I am a perfectist. 2. 出街比錢時扮冇帶/唔見銀包,請女食飯要女用肉償 No. I would clearly announce that I won't pay at all. And girls were not valuable enough as commodity. 3. 口頭話唔愛港女,實際媾唔倒港女 Yes. Love should be in heart, rather than in words. So no girl hasn't accepted me. 4. 國際任何女都媾唔倒 No comment. 5. 最低階之御宅港男 No. I am Otaku but the Otaku is not the lowest class. The lowest class is the politicians. 6. 鍾意叫雞 No. 7. 口頭話港女衰,實際係老婆/女友牢 Yes. There is no relation between two phrases. 8. 搞大女人肚即走路 No. Should I escape with my baby together? 9. 趙完唱 No coz I haven't done yet. 10.女人生日時一定玩失蹤 No. Even if I hide, I can be discovered somehow by girls. Hong Kong is too small! 11. 樣衰衰,自己唔掂又要媾靚女 Yes. Beautiful girls do not trust beautiful boys. Vice versa. 12. 媾唔倒網上散播該女之電話相msn No. I won't give benefits to my competitors. 13. 自己偷食反向GF發爛渣 No. I won't do anything secretly. If I had done, it should be obvious. 14.

Diamond and Gold

We discussed wedding jewellery last night. Gold and Diamond are known as brides' favors. Compared between them, gold seems vulgar while diamond looks more elegant. People usually compete their diamonds' sizes too. We have almost abandoned our intelligence in front of sparks of diamond. In addition, some friends suggested to invest in diamond. 5 carats (or 1 gram) of diamond costs around US$115,000 (US$23,000 per carats) and the same weight of gold costs USD$23 (US$715.50/oz, quoted on 11 May 2006). Yet one of my friends rejected to do so. He raised a question: Why don't most central banks retain lighter diamond reserves as a store of value? Every organism contains the element of diamond, i.e. carbon. Diamond is formed by prolonged exposure of carbon-bearing materials to high pressure and temperature. The deep region of Earth is favorable for the formation of diamond. In the other words, the amount limit of diamond is not as everlasting as its advertisement claims. In contra

Equivalent Exchange

Message To Birthdayman: No Pain, No Gain. Stressed is Desserts in reverse. Ask not what your destiny can do for you, ask what you can do for your destiny. Happy Birthday. Please be reminded of the Fullmetal Alchemist quote: 人は何かの犠牲なしに、何も得ることはできない。 何かを得るためには、同等の代価が必要になる。 それが、錬金術における等価交換の原則だ。 そのころ僕らは、それが世界の真実だと信じていた。 Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.

First Hour of Year 2007

Happy New Year! What did you do in the first hour of Year 2007? When the countdown activity had just finished, my MSN messenger prompted a user logging on. Since the user's MSN name was very long, I was curious to see who the user was by his email address. I: Happy New Year He: I can't write English I: Are you ???? He: yes I: Are you in US? He: no. in Chile, south america My god! Because of a small difference (underscore) in the email addresses, I communicated with the man whose mother tongue is Spanish in the first hour of Year 2007. I also accepted his request of practising his English. I think there will be more fun later on.