
Showing posts from August, 2006


"Neither we can know nor control tomorrow." my friend said. He said so when we talked about another friend. This man who had been fired by his former company boss, who is struggling for his business, has been promoted to the management level of a corporation. As saying goes, A Blessing in Disguise.

Fat Boys Eat All Day

My friend DIY some food and invited me to taste it yesterday. Main: Green-Tea-Ice-skin Mooncakes and Pineapple/Strawberry Tarts Dessert: Fruit Tarts Drink: Soy Drink without milk or sugar Her food was delicious, even though it was her first trial. Yet I doubted whether I could Go Down And Eat BreakFast next day.

Shabu Shabu

A friend plans to visit Taipei, so I introduced her some spots that I had visited in my business trip. A place that I recommended is Guo Shan Shin Jin Du (Chinese: 鍋膳.新京都). This restaurant offers Japanese individual hotpot. There are various foods in menu, such as beef, pork, mutton, seafood and so on. The food is very fresh and highly qualified. After putting a piece of boiled meat into your mouth, you'd find unprecedented enjoyment. You'd never stop ordering once you ate a piece, although the pricing is quite high there. In addition to the food, the service and the environment are excellent. The place is clean and the waiters are warm with good manner. Here is some basic information of the restaurant - Name: Guo Shan Shin Jin Du 鍋膳.新京都 Address: No.3, Lane 9, 27 Lin Yi Street, Taipei City 台北市臨沂街27巷9之3號 (You'd better enter from Lane 134, Zhong Xiao East Road Section Two 忠孝東路二段134巷) Phone: 02-2322-2425 Others: Monday Closed, Priority Seating

Audit Before Fall

I watched an old VCD last night. This VCD is called Audit Before Fall (Chinese: 秋前算帳). This records a standup comedy performance of Dayo Wong (Chinese: 黃子華) in 1997, just before Hong Kong handover. His standup comedies were full of hard criticism. This one is no exception. He incisively criticized the Chinese Communist Party in this performance. He used his personal story to bring out the idea of boiling a frog. His recent performances become less incisive after the handover, likely because of his career development in the mainland or even because of the China censorship. Anyway, you will find his predictions before the handover have become true. Here are some examples: "Think of danger in safe time" is "Be no more stable". 居安思危... 你地安極有限啦老友 The Individual Visit Scheme 自由行 Even some Gang guys are patriots. 黑社會都有愛國 In addition, he collected many material to support his comedy. They included a book of Scar literature (Chinese: 傷痕文學) and a set of newspaper clippings.

Queen's Pier

遊艇如鯽,碼頭 眾人忘我。狂歡吧! 明天,妳的風采是否浪漫依然? 今日我都沒有「唉瘋」

LightsOut Hong Kong

Attention please, attention please. Here is an annoucement for all Hong Kong people. Please turn off lights at your office or home for three minutes at 8pm 8th August to protest against the serious problem of Air Pollution of Hong Kong. Campaign Website: Dear Chief Executive Donald Tsang, We need your help. When you tolerate the air pollution, you damage your living place. Now the problem gets more serious to damage our tourism and foreign investment. Take action! Demand clean air. Help us stop pollution. Let's terminate it! Best regards, A typical Hong Kong citizen who loves Arnold and Jackie

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

I watched the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest this evening. It was an exciting movie with sense of humor. My friend complained my laughing was so loud. After I watched the movie, I suddenly felt that I found myself again. Again I realize what I want. What I want is freedom. I love challenges. Adventure is my destiny.

Lunch Hour

午飯時光 今天天文台懸掛三號「風球」,馬路兩旁的大樹被強風吹得東歪西倒,街上的行人則被傍沱大雨弄得狼狽不堪。這個時候,只有我們四人在車上悠閒地躺在椅上,一邊聽着新城電台財經台,一邊輕談淺笑是與非。 因為「老世」遠行在即,所以借機與部門眾人到灣仔「君悅酒店」午餐聚會。君悅酒店遠離大馬路,地處偏遠,濱臨海港,環境幽靜。當汽車駛至酒店大門,穿得一襲整齊黑色西裝的接待員走上前來,幫老世泊車。而我們則逕自走入酒店大堂。大堂樓底有三至四層樓高,拱頂設計;地面是雲石地板,側旁則有兩支雕欄玉砌的石柱。那個時候大堂沒有什麼客人,只有幾個畢業生般的女生鞠躬歡迎。在潺潺的流水聲伴隨下,我們徐徐走上二樓的咖啡廳。 跟大堂不同,咖啡廳已經差不多坐滿客人。有些客人穿得比較正式,有的則穿著好像是名店出品的休閒服裝。那兒似乎女士比較多,身材略為豐滿,看來像三四十歲,手上總會穿金帶銀。幸好廳內的餐桌相隔甚遠,縱使人多也沒有破壞該處幽雅的氣氛。老世預訂了一張臨近落地玻璃牆面的餐桌。躺在鬆軟的沙發上,可以遠眺停泊在對面尖沙咀的遠洋郵輪。我們輕輕鬆鬆待在室內,冷眼旁觀室外的風吹雨打。 那間咖啡廳是自助餐形式,食物種類卻不多,比較有特色的則有冰鎮蔬菜,自製鵝肝醬和熱情果雪葩;烤羊排也味道濃郁,口感彈牙;而煎魚雖然味香皮脆,但是肉質卻煎得過火。其它菜色也不過是一般貨色,雖然算得上中上水平,但是有點兒襯不上這間酒店的高尚格調。不過食物只是其次,最重要的是我們可以無拘無束地聚首一堂。我們談論的不外乎是食物,電影,旅行,育嬰,樓市,股市,惟一跟工作間有關的只有「人事」。這些都是跟資訊科技毫無關係的事情,儘管我們卻是資訊科技人士. 當侍應端上四杯特濃咖啡,我們面前突然出現了一位獨個兒的年輕小姐。她皮膚黝黑,手腳瘦長,眼睛細細,好像是外國長大的華人女生。她穿著抹胸短裙,令這個老氣橫秋的地方點綴少許春青氣息。我回頭一轉,發現老世已經掏出兩張信用卡,思量使用哪一張結賬。一張是匯豐的白金卡,另一張則是美國運通的黑卡。後者年費達二萬多元,不是一般人可以負擔得來。我的另一個同事見狀便高談闊論他剛剛申請的金卡和白金卡。 吃了兩個多小時的午飯,我們得返回公司了。大門前的接待員忙碌地駛回客人的汽車。我們發現其中一輛是全球只有五十輛,香港只有三輛的「平治」G55 AMG KOMPRESSOR吉普車。其外觀稜角